Plein Air in the Berkshires
Join our Berkshire Plein Air group to paint, draw and photograph outside at different Berkshire locations each day of the week except Sundays, weather and regulations permitting, 10-1pm from June 13 -October 10, 2024
Use the sign up and update links below to participate in our plein air session. See costs and rules below before signing up.

Weekly Schedule
**entrance fee (usually $15-20) or membership to the venue ($50-65). We recommend getting the North American Reciprocal Museum (NARM) level (price varies about $150) and go everywhere we go plus 1000+ other locations in North America all year for two named adults.
Fees & Rules

Costs & Fees
Free for Members
$50 the Season for Nonmembers
$25 the Season for Affiliate members stating their affiliation
$10 a Day for Nonmembers
The Rules
By Signing up for Plein Air you agree to have read and abide by the rules below. These apply to all locations:
Leave area pristine!
Take everything with you (even watercolor water).
Be friendly and answer visitors questions.
Pay admission to venue (if applicable).
Stay off paths and do not work inside buildings.
Clean tools and brushes at home.